To get started, let's configure some required settings on your Ebizio Checkout App and BigCommerce store.
- Once downloaded, navigate to your Ebizio Checkout app from your BigCommerce dashboard by going to "Apps" → "Ebizio Checkout." You will begin your onboarding here.
- Click the blue ‘Get Started’ button, and a modal popup window will appear.
- Fill out your contact information and click the "I agree to the terms and conditions" checkbox.
- Next you will enter your BigCommerce WebDAV credentials. Click the "BigCommerce Back Office" link in the form (pictured below). This will take you to "Server Settings" → "File Access (WebDAV)" in your BigCommerce dashboard. Copy the relevant items into the form as pictured below.
- Once you have completed the form, click the green "SUBMIT" button at the bottom of the form. You should see a green checkmark next to the "Add Required Settings" prompt on the onboarding page (see image below).
(Pictured Above: Completed "Add Required Settings" prompt)
(Pictured Above: The modal popup form, highlighting the link to retrieve your WebDAV credentials from BigCommerce.)
NOTE: Your contact information entered here will be the information we use to get in touch with you to provide support for the app. Please include all of the required fields so that we can provide the best possible customer service.
Once you've completed the above steps, continue to Step 2: Add Payment Method.