In Step 3, we will continue Configuration by updating and adding information to your BigCommerce store.
A. Contact Information
Next we'll need to add your contact information to the App and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
- In the in-app onboarding panel, click the blue "Add Contact Information" button. Enter your name, phone number, and email address, and check the "I agree to the terms and conditions" box. This will be the contact information we use to get in touch with you for support.
- Click the green "Save Contact Information" button, and then return to the onboarding panel by clicking the orange banner at the top of the page.
- You should see a green checkmark next to "Contact Information Added" (see image below)
Pictured Above: You should see the green checkmark once you've completed this step.
B. Enable Ebizio Checkout
Next you will need to enable the Ebizio Checkout. The Ebizio Checkout is a custom checkout developed against the BigCommerce Open Source Custom Checkout.
NOTE: Please contact support prior to application of the Ebizio Checkout if you have any existing customizations to your BigCommerce checkout.
NOTE: You do NOT need to download, install, or pay for any additional Ebizio Applications to use Chargify Commerce. Enabling the Ebizio Checkout is required for this App to function properly, and is included in your monthly Chargify payment.
- Click the blue "Enable Ebizio Checkout" button. This will open a separate page of brief instructions on how Turn On the Ebizio Checkout.
- Return to the in-app onboarding panel once you have completed this step.
NOTE: There is no in-app confirmation for Enabling the Ebizio Checkout. Simply continue to the next step after completing the installation.
C. Install Storefront Scripts
Next we will need to install storefront scripts. These scripts will allow your customers to order items on Subscription and manage their saved cards. There will be no visible change to your website until you have completed onboarding, configured your products for subscriptions, and activated those subscriptions.
- Click the blue "Install Scripts" button. That's it!
NOTE: This is an automated step. The only thing you have to do is hit the blue "Install Scripts" button, confirmed by the green checkmark for "Storefront Scripts Installed."
D. Enable the BigCommerce "Saved Cards" Feature
Lastly, we will need to make sure that the BigCommerce native feature for "Saved Cards" or "Stored Accounts" is enabled on your BigCommerce website.
- To enable stored credit cards on your storefront, navigate to "Store Setup" → "Payments" and click the tab for your payment gateway. Be sure to choose the same Payment Gateway which you have already configured in Chargify
- Toggle the switch to enable Stored Credit Cards and Save (see image below).
NOTE: Each Payment Gateway will have their own requirements for enabling Saved Cards / Stored Payment Methods. Please visit the Requirements page on BigCommerce for more information, and details on supported Payment Gateways.
Pictured Above: For PayPal Payment Gateways, toggle this button to enable stored paypal accounts
Complete Step 3
Once you have completed each component of Step 3 (Configure BigCommerce), click the grey "Continue to Step 4" button in the in-app onboarding panel.