Can I change "Ebizio Fee ID" option label on my Fee Products?
No. If you change the Option Label for the generated Fee Products you will essentially break our ability to keep track of and ensure the integrity of Fees. You can however change the appearance of this label in various places throughout the BigCommerce platform.
How do I remove the "Ebizio Fee ID" name and value on Invoice emails?
Within your BigCommerce back office navigate to Marketing -> Transactional Emails -> Order Email -> Code. Within there you'll want to replace this code:
{{join attribute_lines ', '}}
with the code below:
{{#each attribute_lines}} {{#contains this "Ebizio Fee ID"}} {{else}} {{this}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}} {{/contains}} {{/each}}
How do I change the text "Ebizio Fee ID" on Invoice emails?
Within your BigCommerce back office navigate to Marketing -> Transactional Emails -> Order Email -> Code. Within there you'll want to replace this code:
{{join attribute_lines ', '}}
with the code below... replacing "YOUR LABEL" with what you'd like to display to customers:
{{#replace 'Ebizio Fee ID' (join attribute_lines ', ')}}YOUR LABEL{{else}}{{join attribute_lines ', '}}{{/replace}}
How do I change the text "Ebizio Fee ID" on my Cart page?
Within your Theme files, navigate to the templates -> components -> cart -> content.html file and replace this code:
<dt class="definitionList-key">{{name}}:</dt>
with the code below... replacing "YOUR LABEL" with what you'd like to display to customers:
<dt class="definitionList-key">
{{#if name '==' 'Ebizio Fee ID'}}
{{else if name '==' 'Ebizio Destination Based Fee ID'}}
Can I require that my Ebizio Checkout configuration loads for shoppers?
Yes, you can opt-into this functionality.
When a customer's firewall or ad-blocker blocks our requests, we are unable to load your specific configuration and therefore unable to turn on any module functionality.
For modules that are essential to the functioning of your store (ie. applying Fees or some kind of restriction) this may not be acceptable. We can, for these customers only, prevent them from checking out until the requests to the Ebizio Checkout servers are unblocked.
To opt-in to this "Require Configuration" functionality, navigate within your BigCommerce back office to Storefront -> Script Manager and create a new script with the details below:
- script name: Ebizio Checkout - Require Configuration
- placement: Header
- location: Checkout
- category: Essential
- type: Script
- contents: place
window.ebizioRequireConfig = true;between an opening and closing "script" tag
More questions?
Please contact us to discuss your questions, we're happy to answer them!